Update on Book 2

When I published #tnks, I promised myself that I will publish one book every year. 2015 was to see my second book. But 6 months in the year, I am not sure if the book is coming out. So, if you are disappointed, I am sorry. And I promise I will continue to write. I […]

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R.I.P. #tnks Wikipedia Page

Ever since I can remember, I’ve always wanted a Wikipedia page. But then, there is this huge wide gap between wants and what you get. The “notability” criteria for Wikipedia is pretty stringent and I could never get in. With #tnks, I was hoping to qualify! So lo and behold, moment #tnks started shipping, I head to […]

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tnks Poster

The first poster for tnks is out! I am going to use this poster in all my communication. What do you think of this? Apart from links to the website, FB page, the poster also has links to Amazon and Flipkart, should someone get intrigued enough to order the book!

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#tnks on Catapooolt

News! I just signed up for a crowdfunding campaign on catapooolt.com to help me raise money to market #tnks. The campaign is live on the catapooolt website. Please go see it. Here is a small intro I made for it. So why I am doing this? What do I hope to get out of it? What […]

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Presenting… the cover!

For every first-time author, release of the book cover is an important landmark. It’s something that one waits with abated breath. After all, the book cover is what the world sees, before they pick your book. Come to think of it, its funny how the visual hook like a cover could entice readers and make […]

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